Loading your Steam Community profile...

This website lets you organize and filter your Steam purchases through tags you choose. You can categorize and file your games thousands of different ways.

You need to log in to Steam Community to access this page.

Your password will only be supplied to the Steam website. This website will never have access to your login information.

Click here to log in through steamcommunity.com

We're having trouble accessing your Steam Community profile.

This is probably a temporary network glitch. Please try again later.

If this problem persists, feel free to ask Ryan about it.

Click here to shop for games on Steam in the meantime.

Your Steam Community profile appears to be set to private.

You need to change your Steam Community settings to access this page.

The "profile status" must be set to "public."

Please note that this will let everyone see your information!

Unfortunately, it's the only way this site can see it, too.

Click here to go to your steamcommunity.com settings.

You don't seem to own any games!

This website isn't very useful if you don't have something to organize.

Click here to go shopping!

Click a game's tags, and then you can edit them.

Just type in some simple words, separated with spaces. Describe the game.

If this game were Braid, you might type in:

platformer indie puzzle steamplay

Or Killing Floor might be:

fps multiplayer zombies

Use any words you like to describe the game. You'll be able to find this game later through these words.

When you're done, just click elsewhere to save.

Next, type in some tags up here.

The list of games will filter down to exactly match the tags you typed, as you type them.

Now you can find your games based on arbitrary criteria you choose!

Click a game's icon to launch it.

This will tell the Steam client to install and run the game.

You'll need to have Steam installed for this to work.

This is you. A beautiful and unique snowflake.

Here are some various useful links.

Definitely consider clicking the 'feedback' one and telling Ryan what you think. Javascript hacker? Grab the source code. Bored? Buy something ('Powered by Steam'). Done? Logout.

Clicking 'help' reruns this tutorial.

Have fun!
